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In the wake of recent storms across the US and global disasters, my friend Dirk and I shared our deep sadness over the devastation. This emotional connection sparked an unexpected collaboration.
As we discussed our feelings, I shared some artwork I had created in response to the events. Moved by the images, Dirk was inspired to compose a poignant poem to accompany them. Our shared grief transformed into a creative tribute.
We dedicate this collaborative piece to all who have suffered profound losses - whether it's the physical structure of a home or the intangible essence of what home represents. While the initial shock of these disasters may have faded for some, we recognize that those affected continue to face daily challenges.
As media attention wanes, let's not forget those still rebuilding their lives. Our hearts remain with those affected worldwide. May this serve as a reminder of their ongoing struggle and resilience.


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Sometimes I'd like to change
some words of old
and make them mine.
Like now
when I feel deep, like,
to the bottom of my soul:
My heart is
where my home is ...

and my home
is missing ...

Dirk Engelage